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Privacy Statement for THIB AS

THIB (TH INDUSTRIBYGG AS) takes the privacy of all individuals who interact with us very seriously. As the data controller for personal information, we are committed to processing your personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

This privacy statement provides information on how we collect and process personal information on When you visit our website, we collect un-identified information about you, including the number of visitors to various pages, the duration of the visit, the websites users come from, and the web browsers used. The purpose of collecting this information is to improve and further develop the content on our website. We do not use this information to personally identify you.

WordPress is THIB’s website data processor, and is our domain operation provider for Information collected in connection with the operation of the website is stored on a server operated by the hosting provider. Incoming messages from our contact form are processed in the same way as other emails we receive. We encourage you not to send confidential, sensitive, or other confidential information via email, as regular email is unencrypted. However, our employees take all necessary precautions to protect the privacy of those who contact us via email and telephone. When an employment relationship is terminated, the email account of the respective employee will be deleted, but certain emails may be stored and transferred to other colleagues.

THIB has chosen not to appoint a dedicated data protection officer as we do not handle the processing of personal data on a large scale. However, we consider human resources and IT support to be the norm in all businesses and no principal activity. Based on this, we have not appointed a dedicated data protection officer. Anyone who asks has the right to basic information about the processing of personal data in a business under the Personal Data Act.

THIB has provided this information in this statement and will refer to it in any inquiries. Individuals registered in one of THIB’s systems have the right to access their own information. They also have the right to request that incorrect, incomplete, or information that THIB is not authorized to process be corrected, deleted, or supplemented. Requests from the data subject shall be answered free of charge and no later than 30 days.